Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beauty and Sweetness

Add beauty and sweetness to your life. Start with the easier things: decorate, color, and embellish the place where you live.

"We shape our dwellings, and afterwards our dwellings shape us." — Winston Churchill

Image from Ngoc Minh Ngo

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good Books

Always carry a good book with you. Read it whenever you have time.

"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you." — Mortimer J. Adler

Image from Rubie Green

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Fruits and Vegetables

Buy and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Ten Reasons to Eat More Veggies and Fruits
10 Ways to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

By consuming three to five servings of fresh vegetables and two to four servings of fresh fruit a day, we can sew seeds of good health into our bodies to prevent cancer, heart disease, and most other degenerative disease. I encourage you to choose life over death — choose living food over man-made processed food."
Dr. Don Colbert, M.D.

Image from Martha Stewart Living

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Save Time For Yourself

Save some time for yourself everyday. Do only what you really want to do.

"Always leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy, satisfied, even joyous. That has more of an effect on economic well-being than any other single factor."
— Paul Hawken

Image from Martin Lof

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Tell those you love how much you appreciate them.

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." — Voltaire

Image from DaySpring Cards

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Take a Break

Take a quiet herbal tea or juice break right in the middle of the day in a quiet, peaceful place. And don't feel guilty for taking a few relaxing moments for yourself. You deserve it!

"No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you'd be more productive."
— Dr. Joyce Brothers

Image from Martha Stewart Living

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Organize Your Closet

Organize your closet. Sell to consignment clothing shops or donate to charities all the things you haven't worn or used in two years.

"Whether you realize it or not, your closet holds many items that someone else in the world would really love and appreciate. Once you've weeded out those pieces that are no longer serving you, consider donating your old clothes to a homeless shelter, Goodwill, or another charity where they will be given or sold to those who need them. It's a win-win!" — Monica Ricci

Image from Real Simple

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Have fresh daffodils on the table every week of spring.

"Spring has returned. The earth is like a child that knows poems."
— Rainer Maria Rilke

Image from Martha Stewart Living