Saturday, April 11, 2009

Organize Your Closet

Organize your closet. Sell to consignment clothing shops or donate to charities all the things you haven't worn or used in two years.

"Whether you realize it or not, your closet holds many items that someone else in the world would really love and appreciate. Once you've weeded out those pieces that are no longer serving you, consider donating your old clothes to a homeless shelter, Goodwill, or another charity where they will be given or sold to those who need them. It's a win-win!" — Monica Ricci

Image from Real Simple


  1. So Queenie have you organized your closet yet? You posted in January and now it's June... I'm dying to know! :)

  2. Thanks for visiting, Monica! What a great surprise! :)

    Yes, I did, I have donated many clothes and organized my closet well. I enjoyed having a neat closet with only the clothes that I need and like. Thanks for all your great orgainzing tips! :)
