Saturday, April 25, 2009


Tell those you love how much you appreciate them.

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." — Voltaire

Image from DaySpring Cards


  1. I Appreciate you because/for...

    This sentence is like flowing living water to a person's soul and spirit. Every single person needs to hear these words of appreciation.

    So I would like to first start off my appreciation for Queenie. I appreciate you Queenie for all the time and effort you have spent working on this blog site, so that others may be encouraged by the ideas you have gathered. Bravo!

  2. Yeah, it's like flowing living water, not only to a person's soul and spirit, but also to the body! Do you remember love and appreciation will make beautiful water crystal in our bodies?! :)

    I appreciate you Susan for all your comments, encouragement and support for us!
